Semonkong Lodge

The mighty Maletsunyane Falls is one of the highest single dropping Falls in Africa, creating a haze of smoke as the water plummets with savage splendour 186m down into a spectacular gorge. This is how Semonkong, The Place of Smoke, got its name.
Landlocked by South Africa lies a country with the highest lowest point in the world & hiding away in the magnificent Maluti Mountains, you will discover the gem that is Semonkong Lodge, built on the banks of the Maletsunyane River using only local stone & thatch, that offers just the right balance between civilisation and rustic elegance; electricity, hot showers, roaring fireplaces, and not a telephone in sight.
The fully licensed Duck and Donkey Tavern and Restaurant, provide a popular meeting place for both locals and guests. The restaurant serves world renowned, affordable scrumptious meals and also caters for vegetarians.
Experience the wild of Lesotho at Semonkong Lodge.