Fishing and Birding

Lesotho offers so much for the angler. Migrating yellowfish leap up waterfalls up to 2 metres in height to reach their spawning grounds, while barbel can be found in the lowland rivers. Many of our rivers and dams are teeming with trout, and the most accessible sites include:
The Malibamat’so 2 km below the Oxbow Lodge. The confluence of Ts’ehlanyane and Tlholohatsi Rivers
De Beers Dam (an additional permit is required for private waters)
Khubelu River downstream from Metebong ea Lelingoana
Soloane, near the disused mine at Lets’eng-laTerai Mokhotlong River upstream at Mateanong and Sanqebethu
Qacha’s Nek
Sehlabathebe Park — Tsoelikane River downstream from the falls
Sehlabathebe Lodge — Park Ponds
Leqooa River (4 hours pony trek from the lodge)
Makhaleng River (2 km below Molimo-Nthuse Lodge)
Senqunyane River upstream from Marakabei Lodge
Thaba- Tseka
Thaba-Tseka main dam, near the Pony Breeding Centre
Wild trout fishing, both rainbow & brown are possible on the Maletsunyane river, with the best spots upstream of Fraser's Semonkong Lodge & at the bottom of the waterfall. Beat a 2.9kg brown trout! Last stocked in approx: 1976 - no guaranteed catch but definitely well worth it when you do!
Fishing Regulations
-Closed season for trout fishing is between 1st June and 31st August.
-Fishing tackle for trout: only rod and line and artificial non-spinning flies may be used. Landing net and gaff are not permitted.
-Bag limit for trout: twelve trout over 10 inches in length. Other trout must be returned to the water.
The birdlife attracts most lovers of wildlife to the Kingdom. Although there are less than 300 different species, many are montane rarities — the Orange-breasted Rockjumper, the Sentinel Rock-thrush and the Drakensberg Siskin — while others are downright spectacular.
The Maluti and Lesotho Drakensberg are said to be amongst the finest places in the world to watch Bearded Vultures and Black Eagle.
Letsie Lake and other wetlands provide an excellent habitat for waterbirds, but the glory of Lesotho is the Bald Ibis, which gives Mokhotlong its name. Exceptionally rare elsewhere in the world —Lesotho is its last stronghold — it is a wonderful prize for the photographer. There is a colony of Bald Ibis nesting in the cliffs in front of Fraser's Semonkong Lodge.
Birds that can be spotted in Lesotho
White breasted Cormorant
Reed Cormorant
Grey Heron
Black headed Heron
Purple Heron
Little Egret
Cattle Egret
Black crowned Night Heron
White Stork
Black Stork
Yellow billed Stork
Sacred Ibis
Bald Ibis
Hadeda Ibis
African Spoonbill
White faced Duck
White backed Duck
Egyptian Goose
South African Shelduck
Yellow Billed Duck
African Black Duck
Cape Teal
Red billed Teal
Cape Shoveller
Southern Pochard
Spurwinged Goose
Maccoa Duck
Secretary Bird
Bearded Vulture
Cape Vulture
Yellow Billed Kite
Black Kite
Black Shouldered Kite
Black Eagle
Red Breasted Sparrowhawk
Redwing Francolin
Common Quail
Helmeted Guinea Fowl
Kurrichane Button quail
Blue Crane
Baillon's Crake
Purple Gallinule
Red knobbed Coot
Stanley's Bustard
Ringed Plover
Kittlitz's Plover
Three Banded Plover
Crowned Plover
Blacksmith Plover
Common Sandpiper
Green Sandpiper
Wood Sandpiper
Marsh Sandpiper
Green Shank
Curlew Sandpiper
Little Stint
Ethiopian Snipe
Black winged Stilt
Spotted Dikkop
Greyheaded Gull
Whiskered Tern
White winged Tern
Rock Pigeon
Red eyed Dove
Cape Turtle Dove
Laughing Dove
Namaqua Dove
European Cuckoo
Red chested Cuckoo
Diederik Cuckoo
Giant Kingfisher
Malachite Kingfisher
Greater Honey guide
Ground Woodpecker
Clapper Lark
Rudd's Lark
Long billed Lark
Red capped Lark
Pinkbilled Lark
Thick billed Lark
Chestnutbacked Finchlark
Greybacked Finchlark
European Swallow
White Throated
Greater Striped Swallow
Rock Martin
House Martin
Brown Throated martin
Banded Martin
Black Crow
Pied Crow
White necked Raven
Southern Grey Tit
Ashy Tit
Red Eyed Bulbul
Olive Thrush
Sentinel Rock Thrush
Mountain Chat
Familiar Chat
Sickle winged Chat
Anteating Chat
Cape Robin
Orange Breasted Rockjumper
Layard's Titbabbler
African Marsh Warbler
EuropeanMarsh Warbler
Cape Reed Warbler
African Sedge Warbler
Willow Warbler
Fantailed Cisticola
Desert Cisticola
Coud Cisticola
Ayres' Cisticola
Wailing Cisticola
Levaillant's Cisticola
Spotted Prinia
Spotted Flycatcher
Fiscal Flycatcher
Fairy Flycatcher
Cape Wagtail
Grassveld Pipit
Longbilled Pipit
Plainbacked Pipit
Rock Pipit
Richard's PipitOrangeThroated Longclaw
Fiscal Shrike
Redbacked Shrike
Pied Starling
Wattled Starling
Glossy Starling
Redwinged Starling
Malachite Sunbird
Cape White Eye
House Sparrow
Cape Sparrow
Greyheaded Sparrow
Cape Weaver
Masked Weaver
Red Bishop
Golden Bishop
Yellow Rumped Widow
Red Collared Widow
Long Tailed Widow
Common Waxbill
Swee Waxbill
Quail Finch
Orange Breasted Waxbill
Redheaded Finch
Pintailed Whydah
Black Throated Canary
Cape Canary
Drakensberg Siskin
Drakensburg Prinia
Yellow Canary
Streaky Headed Canary
Cape Bunting
Rock Bunting
Mountain Pipit